Transforming Spaces &
Enhancing Quality
Deliver expert renovation services that include painting, electrical installations, plumbing, and woodwork. Catfish transforms your space to meet your needs with quality and sustainability in mind.
Event Logistics &
Planning Solutions
Expert Cleaning &
Facility Care
Quality Services Tailored for Your Business Success
Catfish was established by a young entrepreneur who had valuable experience in the cleaning industry, and renovation work combined with professionalism, teamwork, and a vision.
This led to the company’s rapid success and enabled us to quickly secure prestigious clients of international standards. The company has since grown to become a very important player in the cleaning and renovating industries as a result of its expertise, dedication, and continuous quest for excellence.
Tailored Solutions & Expert Support
Connect with Catfish for personalized solutions that cater to your specific needs. Our dedicated team is ready to provide expert guidance and exceptional service, ensuring your satisfaction at every step.
Meet the CEO
We care about your opinion
Catfish company is always the best choice when heading up to prepare any event. Saudi National Day held in Beirut was fully equipped and planned by our experienced team.
Saudi National Day - Lebanon
Catfish was honored to be a part of Jezzine Festivals, as providing event logistics and backstage setup beside sound a lightning system.